When you’re on the hunt for a used vehicle, not only do you want to get the best car, but finding the best used auto loan is high on your priority list. 

There’s a reason why your loan is important. Secure the right loan, and your terms will be favorable. 你会支付更少的利息,你的还款过程也会更好. 然而, if you opt for a lender willing to give you an unfavorable loan, 由于不合适的条款,你可能会在贷款期限内支付更多的钱. 

Obtaining The Right Used 汽车 Loan For Your Needs

Thankfully, finding the best used auto loan is easier than you think. You can even start the process from the comfort of your home. 

1. 制定预算 

The first step is to decide how much you can afford. 你想在申请贷款之前这样做,因为你的预批准可能会告诉你,你有资格获得比你能负担得起的更多的贷款. 

看看你的收入, as well as household and personal expenses, to see how much you can afford to pay each month for your new vehicle. 另外,在你申请贷款的时候,确定你有多少钱可以支付首付款. Finally, think about how long you want to repay your loan. 

Once you have all of this information in mind, consider the type of car you’re interested in purchasing. Does that vehicle fit within your budget? 你可以使用在线计算器来了解你每月的贷款金额是多少, 利率, and vehicle cost you input. 

When you complete these steps, 你正在为自己建立一个更实惠和经济上舒适的二手车贷款经验.  

2. 研究贷款术语

Now that you have an idea of the loan you can afford, as opposed to focusing on what you qualify for, it’s time to research loan lingo. 你最常听到的词是利率、贷款期限和费用. 

Annual percentage rate

你的年利率(APR)是你每年为贷款支付的金额, and this is usually expressed as a percentage (ex. 2.4月99%).

这个金额可以在很大程度上影响你每个月和整个贷款期限的还贷金额. 你想要找到最低的利率,这样你就可以保持你的二手车贷款成本低. 


Your loan term is the length of time you have to repay your loan. This can range greatly depending on the age of your vehicle, 你的网赌最好最大平台, 你的信用, 还有其他因素. Typically, you’ll find repayment options ranging from 1-8 years. 

One important thing to keep in mind is that the longer your loan term, the less you’ll pay each month, but the more you’ll pay in interest. The opposite is true the shorter your loan term. So, 重要的是,你不仅要看你的月供,还要看你在贷款期间要付多少钱. 


“费用”这个词很宽泛,但可以包括你在购买二手车时需要支付的任何额外费用. These fees may include things like your loan origination fees, 标题的费用, 注册费, 经销商的费用, 等.  

3. Research your used auto loan options

现在你已经知道了你能负担多少钱,以及要记住的贷款术语, you want to research your used auto loan options. 

你可以选择不同的贷款机构,从网赌最好最大平台到信用合作社,再到网上贷款机构. When you research 你的网赌最好最大平台 options in advance, 它可以节省你的时间, 所以你只向最适合你的财务状况和需求的贷款机构申请. 

也, 研究有助于你准备什么期望有关二手车贷款过程的重要部分, like your 利率 and other loan terms. 

4. 获得预批准

If you want the best used auto loan, you want to get a preapproval. 一旦你研究了你的汽车贷款选择,并比较了利率和他们提供的其他条款, you want to select a few in which to apply. Be sure to do this within a short time frame. 如果你在45天内完成,你的信用只会受到一次重创. 

获得预先批准, 你在网上申请, providing the lender with your personal and financial information. 然后你的贷款人会让你知道你是否被预先批准了,以及你有资格获得的条款. 你会知道你的最高贷款金额、利率、月供等. 比较贷款报价和选择最好的二手车贷款的选择.

Now with a preapproval, 你可以去你的经销商的知识,你可以负担多少实际和多少网赌最好最大平台愿意贷款给你. 这可以让你专注于找到合适的车辆在最好的利率,因为你已经获得了最好的二手车贷款. 

Are You Ready To Secure The Best Used 汽车 Loan?

If you’re in the market for a used vehicle, 然后你要确保你得到最好的二手车贷款为您的需求. 

做出明智的决定是选择合适的贷款最明智的方式. 一定要遵循上面列出的步骤,因为做适当的研究和比较你的选择可以使你获得贷款的所有差异. 

你是否准备在下周或未来几个月得到你的二手车, 我们邀请您从Arbor金融信用合作社发现二手车贷款选择. 

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